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Do you know of the World famous people that come from Croatia?

Did you know that famous historical figures come from this small country? Croatians have and continue to make an impact in a number of fields. In this article, we wanted to name some of them with Croatian heritage, who reached stardom in chemistry, astronomy, science, ext. Magnificent people who helped in their own way make the world a better place.

How is that related to our Blue Cave tour from Split?

Well, it happens that one of them was born on the island of Biševo – the island of the Blue Cave. But, we’ll get to that part. Read on!

Some of the famous Croatians

Leopold Ružička was a Croatian – Swiss scientist and joint winner of the 1939 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Ruđer Bošković from the city of Dubrovnik was astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, the theologian .

Yet among the great ones, one Croatian scientist and inventor deserved the highest status, Nikola Tesla, a man before his time. It’s unthinkable to imagine how life would look like without electricity – without him, any electronic gadgets just would not work, without electricity, we will be in the dark, without the electricity life simply would be boring and totally monotonous.

The work of Nikola Tesla symbolizes strength and inspiration for the whole world in order to promote science and peace.

Martin Bogdanović – the largest industrialist in the history of world fishing

Allow us to introduce you another well-known person. It is worth knowing something about him as you will see the island where this famous person was born during the Blue Cave tour from Split. On the western coast of Biševo is a small village called Porat. This place is the birthplace of Martin Bogdanović who would become the founder of the fishing industry in the United States of America and the largest industrialist in the history of world fishing. In 1908 he emigrated to San Pedro in California after serving the army. The fishing experience from his native Komiža helped him in his later business venture. In San Pedro, he invested his earnings from fishing into one of the first fish processing factories on the US coast in 1917. He was one of the founders of the French Sardine Company that would later be renamed to Star-Kist, and become the world´s largest fish factory. His factory was the first fish can factory on the west coast of the USA. They preserved tuna and sardines. Martin Bogdanović was the first person who used crushed ice for the conversation of fish on boats.

Preoccupation with fishing and wine growing

Back then when Martin Bogdanović was born and even now,  Biševo has a low population.  This island has 8 hamlets: Mezuporat, Poje, Potok, Velo Gora, Nevaja, Porat, Sarbunora, Gurnjo Sarbunora. Up until the First World War, these habits were populated by only 320 inhabitants. Mostly, here people were occupied with fishing and wine growing. Due to Biševo was covered by large areas of sandy soil it is a great area for production of world-renowned red wine known as Plavac Mali.

On our Blue Cave tour after a few hours on the speed boat, you will see the island, 5.91 km in size with a 18.1 km stretch of coast. The contours of the island will delight you at the begging of this Split boat tour so much that you wanna get out of the boat as quickly as possible to start your journey in the Blue Cave. Luckily, you will have enough time to feel delighted while watching an exceptional blue colour of the Blue Cave from the speed boat. The memories you made here will be memories you will bring with you.

That is why so many people have the desire to do again and again this Boat trip from Split . The experience is just unique.